The movies abandoned the previous setting and had the conflict take place on contemporary Earth. It was finally made into a movie in 2004, with a sequel in 2007. The concept was even hinted at in the second Predator movie, which featured a Xenomorph skull amongst the Predator's trophies. Predator: Three World War, in which the humans and Predators team up against a second race of Predators (similar to the 'black' ones from the film) and their Alien pets. Riding the popularity wave of Predators, the Machiko story was picked up again in the mini-series Aliens vs. Dark Horse would follow on this with other comics, such as Deadliest of the Species and War, as well as crossovers with Superman, Batman, and even The Terminator. The series started with a comic by Dark Horse Comics, featuring colony administrator Machiko Noguchi, who finds her newly-settled world has just become a hunting ground for the Predators as they seed it with Xenomorph eggs.
Predator is the combination of Fox's two hit alien monster movies, and the stories of the innocent humans caught in the middle. What happens when the Predator, interstellar alien hunter extraordinaire, takes it upon himself to go after the unstoppable, acid-blooded, face-raping Aliens? Oddly enough, lots of humans dying.Īlien Vs.